Mannix's Honest Opinions on Good and Bad Games

This entire website is opinionated. Don't expect me to cite my sources.

Clash Royale

Girl in a jacket

The game is fun with friends. Matchmaking is 100% rigged and you can't change my mind. You will end up paying money at some point in this game if you actually want to play it through. You will lose your mind after dipping into a 50+ losing streak trying to get that legendary chest.

Among Us

This game is a blast when you play with friends or people with mics. But without mics this game is a whole different expierience. It's almost as if your teams IQ drops to negative numbers. All around awesome game that I highly recommend you find some people with mics to play with.

COD: Modern Warfare

Cod info

Assassin's Creed Valhalla

ACV info

Mannix Frisby